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Takeda Sennosuke Memorial International Marionette Museum

ページID:40539222 印刷用ページを表示する 掲載日:2022年6月15日更新

Information on the Takeda Sennosuke Memorial International Marionette Museum


Iida, a strategic land in Shinshu’s Ina valley, is positioned almost in the middle between the capital city and Edo, as a result both culture from the west and the east were flowing into this mountain city. Moreover, the deep mountainous topography and Tenryu river flowing in its center preserved the culture in this land and created a complex east and west culture. Currently in the Ina valley, there are 4 puppet companies who keep sharing this history including the Kuroda and Imada puppet shows which have been continuously active for 300 years.

In Heisei 2(1990), Takeda Sennosuke moved to this land in his hometown and rebuilt the Takeda practice room, he donated this room together with his collection gathered inside and outside the country to the city of Iida. In August Heisei 10 (1998), this place was built for the 20th Puppet Theater Carnival 98 (1998 World Puppet Theater Festival).

About Takeda Sennosuke

  竹田 扇之助氏の画像▼History

He was born in Showa 5 (1930) in Ajima, Takagimura. He preferred making puppets and manipulating them than child’s play. In Showa 21(1946), he catched the eyes of Yuki Magosaburo the 9th, said to be the string puppets restorer, and became his last disciple after strongly requesting it. In Showa 22 (1947) the 9th passed away. After that he became the disciple of one of his best students, Takeda Sannosuke, and devoted himself to training. After the death of Sannosuke in Showa 40 (1965), inheriting the name of Takeda, he took over the Takeda Puppet company. After successively assuming positions like executive committee member and councilor for the International Puppetry Association (UNIMA), president for the UNIMA japan center, he served as honorary president of UNIMA japan. In Reiwa 2 (2020), he passed away.


  ▼Open hours  9 :00 a.m.-5 :00 p.m. (entrance admitted until 4:30 p.m.)

   Monday every week, the day following a public holiday and new year holiday season

  ▼Admission fees
   【Adult】 400¥ (group300¥)
   【Child 】 200¥ (group150¥)
   ※Group fees are applied for 20 people groups or more.
   ※Child fees apply for primary, junior and senior high school students.
   ※Free entry during a year for primary, junior and senior high school students who shows their wappen of this year’s "Iida Puppet Theater festival"!Takeda Sennosuke Memorial International Marionette Museum plan

Takeda Sennosuke Memorial International Marionette Museum Plan

間取り図 2-story reinforced concrete construction

Building floor space:


Facility floor space :


Exhibition room 1 :


Exhibition room 2 :


Exhibition room 3 :


Lobby :


Exhibition hall :






  Nagano prefecture, Iida city, Zakoji block number 2535  Tel 0265-23-4222  

Takeda puppet museum blog

  Takeda puppet museum blog is here (external link)(外部リンク)

Information on surrounding facilities

Omi no Sato Butaizakura


The Takeda puppet museum neighborhood is also well known as a cherry blossom viewing spot, particularly this splendid weeping cherry tree, the Omi no Sato Butaizakura. Every spring, the ″Omi no Sato sakura festival″ is also held according to the flowers blossoming and it is crowded with many sightseers.

The Former Zakoji Omi School (Nagano prefectural treasure)


The Omi school building was built in Meiji 6 (1873) in order to be used combinedly as a school and a kabuki stage. It is the oldest school building of the prefecture. At the time of the construction of the large roof’s ridge, the name of the school ″Omi elementary school″ was written on it. Since then this valuable building was used as a school for 111 years, until Showa 59 (1984). It is also one of the largest rural kabuki stages in the prefecture and it is also a rare thing nationwide too.

Omi School History (PDFファイル/93KB)


  If you wish to visit the inside of the building, please ask the reception of the Takeda Sennosuke Memorial International Marionette Museum.

  ▼Opening hours ・ Closed days
   Same as the Takeda Sennosuke Memorial International Marionette Museum (above-mentionned)

  ▼Admission fee Free

Iida city Omi no Sato Koryu Center Omi hall



  Regarding the use and reservation, please contact the Zakoji autonomy development center (0265-22-1401).

  ▼Opening hours 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.

  ▼Closed New year holiday season (December 29th - January 3rd)

Neighborhood map


 Motozenkoji park guide map (PDF file/ 17.88 MB)

Information about the recent situation and events of the Takeda Sennosuke Memorial International Marionette Museum

  The information about the recent situation and events are published regularly on the Zakoji local residents‘ association website ((外部リンク)" target="_blank">http://www.zakoji.jp/(外部リンク)), please check it.

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